When you book a massage at Supreme Massage NYC, you have the option to simply tell your therapist what kind of massage you want, or you can dive into a more detailed conversation about how you’re feeling that day. This way, you and your therapist can figure out the best approach together based on your specific goals.
Single Session Rates
30 Minute Treatment - $65.00
60 Minute Treatment - $135.00
75 Minute Treatment - $165.00
90 Minute Treatment - $185.00
Package Rates
5 Pack for 30 Minute Treatment - $300 (Originally $325)
5 Pack for 60 Minute Treatment - $640 (Originally $675)
5 Pack for 75 Minute Treatment - $780 (Originally $825)
5 Pack for 90 Minute Treatment - $875 (Originally $925)
Membership Rates
Memberships run on a annual basis and are monthly payments. You receive one treatment per month, and 10% off on any other services you purchase with your membership.
30 Minute Treatment - $60 per month
60 Minute Treatment - $120 per month
75 Minute Treatment - $145 per month
90 Minute Treatment - $165 per month
Cancelation Policy
48-Hour Notice: Cancellations made with at least 48 hours' notice will not incur any fees.
Less than 24 Hours' Notice: Cancellations made with less than 24 hours' notice will incur a fee of 20% of the service fee.
No Call/No Show: Clients who fail to show up for their scheduled appointment without prior notice will be charged 100% of the service fee.